Monday, December 1, 2008

2008 Coat Swap: Yet Another Success

For two weeks in November, Uncle Dan's gave away 1,400 coats.

Don't worry; our business model didn't go bizarro. It was just our 5th Annual Coat Swap! Customers donated their old - but still usable - coats and got 20% off a new piece of regular-priced winter outerwear. And we took those old coats to area charities. Coats donated at the Chicago stores went to the Jane Addams Hull House Association, coats from the Evanston store went to Connections for the Homeless, and coats from the Highland Park store went to the Grandfamilies Program of Chicago.

We do this through One Warm Coat, a national non-profit that assists in the donation of coats. Since its founding in 1992, about 750,000 coats have been has collected and distributed through OWC activities. Uncle Dan's customers and staff have donated more than 5,900 coats in our five coat drives.

If you missed the announcement for the swap and want to participate in next year's, make sure to sign up to the e-club to watch for this and more of our community-based programs. (Speaking of, don't forget that our can drive runs through Dec. 10!)

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