You can read more about this company here. Its aim is to develop products that are functional both in active sports and in a casual lifestyle and that are made with the most environmentally friendly materials possible.
Designer Mark Galbraith stopped by the new Evanston store to talk to us about the brand - and some employees from the Southport and Lincoln Ave. shops came up to listen as well. We often have these clinics to stay on top of what our brands are doing and the features they're adding - and we use that knowledge to give you the best service we can. However, Nau's was a rare treat because designers rarely visit shops, so we got to learn how the brand was built from the ground up.
Nau's exciting for us because for product you buy, the company will give a 2% donation to a nonprofit in its Partner For Change program. You'll not only get a product with warmth, style, and sustainability, you'll also be able to feel good about the change it's making for others and for the environment.
We're excited to welcome Nau back to the retail world and into our doors. One you try on some of the products, we know you'll feel the same way.
(And, hey, great minds think alike! Check out Nau's Thought Kitchen blog!)
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